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National Louis University Info Session

Day 1 CPT Universities Webinar Series -National Louis University Info Session



There ain’t many Day 1 CPT Universities in the south. National Louis University is one of few. It is accredited and offers a DBA program that allows students to use CPT to work on day 1 and as long as 3.5 years. invited NLU’s admission consular, Karla Engel, to talk about its Day 1 CPT program.

This is an hour-long info session, including:

- Day 1 CPT Programs at NLU

- Application timelines and requirements

- Apply for CPT

- 30 mins live Q&A

If you are interested in NLU, click the button below to watch the recorded webinar. If you have more questions regarding its DBA program, you are welcome to contact us for a free β€œDay 1 CPT Universities” consultation.

Info session playback

Posted In: Day 1 CPT Universities

June 8

DBU - Info Section

July 13

F1 Visa Interview Coaching Session

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